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A Song by Cemical and Centano promoting Africa's World heritage sites


A song about the beauty, challengers, and prospect of the Kilwa Kisiwani


Since 14th to 15th century, Kilwa was the centre in the southern coast controlling the maritime trade routes to the ancient world, traders, merchants and scholars travelled from middle east, India and Europe, supplied the wealth coming from trade…

The Tongoni Ruins are found About 20km south of Tanga and just off the coastal road, They include the crumbling remains of a mosque and about 20 overgrown Shirazi pillar-style tombs, the largest collection of such tombs on the East African coast. The…

Kalenga museum is about 15km from Iringa on the road to Ruaha National Park. This tiny museum in nearby Kalenga – the former Hehe capital – contains the skull, personal effects and other relics of Chief Mkwawa. It was here that he committed suicide…

Mikindani is the most fascinating old town in southern Tanzania with winding streets and interesting blend of thatched mud houses and coral stones influenced by both Swahili and foreign architectures. Mikindani was the home for traders dating back to…

The Caves are the most extensive limestone caves in East Africa and located 8 km north of Tanga off the Tanga-Mombasa road. The caves were formed about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic age. They covers an area of 234 km² which is said to…

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Mbozi Meteorite is about 65km southwest of Mbeya , one of the largest meteorites in the world. Weighing an estimated 25 metric tonnes, it's around 3m long and 1m tall. Scientists are unsure when it hit the earth, but it is assumed to have been many…

This site preserves the oldest-known iron-smelting furnace in east, central and southern Africa from 500 BC.The site itself is essentially with old bricks and shrines to King Rugomora dates between 1650–1675 AD

Historic building constructed in 1857 featured with flat roof and deep maroon color. Used as Livingstone residence house in 1871 and later Henry Stanley for three months. Currently operates as Memorial Museum of Dr. David Livingstone and with some…
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