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  • Tags: World Heritage Sites

This is a Great Mosque of Kilwa Kisiwani that was built between the 13th and 14th Century AD.

A 3D showing ruin of the 14th century Great Palace (Husuni Kubwa) found on shores of Kilwa Kisiwani built by Sultan al-Hasan bin Sulaiman. It was built by blocks of coral stones. Features that can be seen today includes court, rooms, swimming pool…

Kilwa Kisiwani Great Mosque first built around 10th Century and being extended continuously at 11th, 12th and 13th centuries

Kilwa Gereza (Fort) found at the shoes of Kilwa Kisiwani, fist constructed by the Portuguese in 15000 and later by the Omans.l

Since 14th to 15th century, Kilwa was the centre in the southern coast controlling the maritime trade routes to the ancient world, traders, merchants and scholars travelled from middle east, India and Europe, supplied the wealth coming from trade…

Kolo painting of 3 figures in headdresses

Olduvai Gorge is an exceptionally rich archaeological site, preserving one of the best records of human evolution history spanning nearly two (2) million years ago. The site has yielded abundant human, animal fossils and stone artefacts preserved in…

Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings are located between Singida and Irangi Hills in Kondoa Irangi village and other rock painting is located at Kolo village in Dodoma. The rock paintings are a series of ancient paintings on rockshelter walls in central…
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