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The Caves are the most extensive limestone caves in East Africa and located 8 km north of Tanga off the Tanga-Mombasa road. The caves were formed about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic age. They covers an area of 234 km² which is said to…

The German Court was built during German rule to maintain social order. It continued to serve the same purpose during British administration as well as post independence upto date.

A baobab tree located inside the wall Enclosure part of which has nails. The presence of nails in the baobab truck is evidence of spiritual practices. The tree is owned by one of the families living in the wall enclosure.


A baobab tree located inside the wall Enclosure part of which has nails. The presence of nails in the baobab truck is evidence of spiritual practices. The tree is owned by one of the families living in the wall enclosure.


The rectangular Mud-layered house in the Village of Ndirima at Songea, Ruvuma region said to be the place of residence of the Ngoni people. The erected walls project the existence of house, these walls are in poor conservation condition. The size of…


The trench is constructe in E shaped at the was constructe by cement blocks and covered by concreate slab. . The other side (utlet/inlet) is closed by concreate slab. Generally the site is in good condition but needs small repair

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The Wall enclosure in Chongoleani has located 25 km from the north of Tanga Municipality. The wall enclosure's NE facing and NW wall measure 297.41m and 247.79m, respectively. the wall facing SW and SE measured about 188.9 97m and 104.96m,…

The Sanjari sacred forest is a valued heritage area in Chongoleani village. The forest is located about 20m from the wall enclosure. It is situated in the compound of two local schools. The area is both clean and green as opposed to other places…

Nkrumah Hall is the historical building within the University of Dar es Salaam. Nkrumah hall was named after the late Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana and founder of the Pan-African Movement. Nkrumah hall was officially gazetted as the…

Isimila Stone Age Site is located within an erosion gulley on the Iringa plateau in Tanzania. The site has long been recognised as of international importance for understanding the behavioural complexity and plasticity of hominin ancestors following…
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