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  • Tags: Archaeological

The Caves are the most extensive limestone caves in East Africa and located 8 km north of Tanga off the Tanga-Mombasa road. The caves were formed about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic age. They covers an area of 234 km² which is said to…

Site museum of Kilwa Kisiwani with archaeological and maritime objects

A 3D indicating a ruined pool located as part of Husuni Kubwa ruin

Kolo rock art is a cultural heritage site within Kondoa World Heritage Site. The site is located on the slopes of the Maasai escarpment that flanks the western side of the Great Rift Valley in central Tanzania in an area about 2300 km. There are…

Part of Kolo 1 3D model indicating flaking/spalling of the rock surface and loss of the art

An Old Boma in Bagamoyo, situated along the central coast of Tanzania, was built by the Germans in 1895. The BOMA served as administrative headquarters for German East Africa until 1919. After the Versailles Treaty which marked the end of the German…

The Tongoni Ruins are found About 20km south of Tanga and just off the coastal road, They include the crumbling remains of a mosque and about 20 overgrown Shirazi pillar-style tombs, the largest collection of such tombs on the East African coast. The…

This site preserves the oldest-known iron-smelting furnace in east, central and southern Africa from 500 BC.The site itself is essentially with old bricks and shrines to King Rugomora dates between 1650–1675 AD
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