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Large surface of the site is dominated with assemblages of later Acheulean lithics culture such as hand axes, cleavers, scrapers, and cores.


A 3D indicating a ruined pool located as part of Husuni Kubwa ruin

A 3D showing ruin of the 14th century Great Palace (Husuni Kubwa) found on shores of Kilwa Kisiwani built by Sultan al-Hasan bin Sulaiman. It was built by blocks of coral stones. Features that can be seen today includes court, rooms, swimming pool…

This is the grinding stone that local people in Kilwa Kisiwani, particularly women used to grind various cereals for the family meal.

This was a custom house used by the German colonial administration during 19th century.

Tower of the first Roman Catholic Church in East Africa (German East Africa) built from 1868 - 1870s. In 1874 the body of Dr. Livingstone was laid in this tower after his death in Zambia for the malaria, and the tower was named after him (Dr.…
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