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Kilwa Kisiwani Great Mosque first built around 10th Century and being extended continuously at 11th, 12th and 13th centuries

A 3D showing ruin of the 14th century Great Palace (Husuni Kubwa) found on shores of Kilwa Kisiwani built by Sultan al-Hasan bin Sulaiman. It was built by blocks of coral stones. Features that can be seen today includes court, rooms, swimming pool…

The Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) is an Executive Agency established under the Executive Agencies Act (Cap. 245 Revised Edition 2009) with the mandate of management of national forest and bee resources in a sustainable manner by ensuring sustainable…

Tanzania National Parks is responsible to manage and regulate the use of areas designated as National Parks by such means and measures to preserve the country’s heritage, encompassing natural and cultural resources, both tangible and intangible…

Sandawe painting of an Antelope facing left at the main Kolo Site

The Bonanza is aiming at raising awareness to the potential loss of both tangible and intangible heritages found in the area.

TAWA is responsible for undertaking the administration and sustainable management of wildlife resource and biodiversity conservation outside National Parks and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, mostly comprising of Game Reserves, Game Controlled Areas…

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority is responsible for taking care and develop a property namely Ngongororo Conservation Area inscribed as Mixed World Heritage Sites in 2010.

3D features and collections, structures and parts of Kilwa.

3D features of Ngalawa, Old Fort and Old Boma from Bagamoyo
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