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Bahari Yetu is a song that raises public awareness on the Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage (MUCH) of the Swahili Coast. The song identifies various marine heritage assets and presents the challenges that face them. Furthermore, it is a song…


Bahari Yetu is a song that raises public awareness on the Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage (MUCH) of the Swahili Coast. The song identifies various marine heritage assets and presents the challenges that face them. Furthermore, it is a song…


Map of Bagamoyo Conservation area with land use plan and buffer zone.


A historic town with historic architecture which preserves the blending history of eighteenth and nineteenth-century cultures between foreigners and indigenous African people. The town consists of Arabic, Indian and European historic buildings…

Historic site with historic buildings, the site was established by Holly Ghost Fathers Missionaries in 1868 as the first missionary station along the interior of East African coast. It is from here whereby Christianity was established, consolidated…

This was a custom house / Office in Bagamoyo during the 19th Century.

3D features of Ngalawa, Old Fort and Old Boma from Bagamoyo

The Caves are the most extensive limestone caves in East Africa and located 8 km north of Tanga off the Tanga-Mombasa road. The caves were formed about 150 million years ago during the Jurassic age. They covers an area of 234 km² which is said to…
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