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Tower of the first Roman Catholic Church in East Africa (German East Africa) built from 1868 - 1870s. In 1874 the body of Dr. Livingstone was laid in this tower after his death in Zambia for the malaria, and the tower was named after him (Dr.…

Historic site with historic buildings, the site was established by Holly Ghost Fathers Missionaries in 1868 as the first missionary station along the interior of East African coast. It is from here whereby Christianity was established, consolidated…

Map of Bagamoyo Conservation area with land use plan and buffer zone.


A historic town with historic architecture which preserves the blending history of eighteenth and nineteenth-century cultures between foreigners and indigenous African people. The town consists of Arabic, Indian and European historic buildings…

Kaole ruins is located about five (5) kilometers South East of Bagamoyo. The ruins, once a prosperous Arab town holds the remains of the first settlement of the Arab foreigners in Bagamoyo. Some of the structures at the site includes house ruins,…

Olduvai Gorge is an exceptionally rich archaeological site, preserving one of the best records of human evolution history spanning nearly two (2) million years ago. The site has yielded abundant human, animal fossils and stone artefacts preserved in…

Large surface of the site is dominated with assemblages of later Acheulean lithics culture such as hand axes, cleavers, scrapers, and cores.


Paranthropus boisei or Australopithecus boisei was an early hominin, described as the largest of the genus Paranthropus. It lived in Eastern Africa during the Pleistocene epoch from about 2.4 until about 1.4 million years ago.

A place where skull of Zinjanthropus Boisei was discovered by Mary Leakey on 17th July 1959


Picture of Olduvai Gorge Site Museum
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