Pahi rock art site, Kondoa in central Tanzania. One of the series of ancient paintings on rock shelters and hanging slabs of sedimentary rocks. The exact number of rock art sites in the Kondoa area is unknown but it is estimated that there are…
A domestic bowl made of clay, with erabotae decoration on the opening, discovered from Korogwe district, it was discovered by Dr. Bigiagwa during his field 2009.
The rectangular Mud-layered house in the Village of Ndirima at Songea, Ruvuma region said to be the place of residence of the Ngoni people. The erected walls project the existence of house, these walls are in poor conservation condition. The size of…
Since 14th to 15th century, Kilwa was the centre in the southern coast controlling the maritime trade routes to the ancient world, traders, merchants and scholars travelled from middle east, India and Europe, supplied the wealth coming from trade…
The trench is constructe in E shaped at the was constructe by cement blocks and covered by concreate slab. . The other side (utlet/inlet) is closed by concreate slab. Generally the site is in good condition but needs small repair
The Sanjari sacred forest is a valued heritage area in Chongoleani village. The forest is located about 20m from the wall enclosure. It is situated in the compound of two local schools. The area is both clean and green as opposed to other places…