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This museum in Bagamoyo Historic Town has a small display documenting the slave trade. The museum is in one of the historic building that was used a guest house for slave trade dealers during the 19th century. The displays in the museum include…

The Wall enclosure in Chongoleani has located 25 km from the north of Tanga Municipality. The wall enclosure's NE facing and NW wall measure 297.41m and 247.79m, respectively. the wall facing SW and SE measured about 188.9 97m and 104.96m,…

A baobab tree located inside the wall Enclosure part of which has nails. The presence of nails in the baobab truck is evidence of spiritual practices. The tree is owned by one of the families living in the wall enclosure.


A baobab tree located inside the wall Enclosure part of which has nails. The presence of nails in the baobab truck is evidence of spiritual practices. The tree is owned by one of the families living in the wall enclosure.


Historic building constructed in 1857 featured with flat roof and deep maroon color. Used as Livingstone residence house in 1871 and later Henry Stanley for three months. Currently operates as Memorial Museum of Dr. David Livingstone and with some…

Tower of the first Roman Catholic Church in East Africa (German East Africa) built from 1868 - 1870s. In 1874 the body of Dr. Livingstone was laid in this tower after his death in Zambia for the malaria, and the tower was named after him (Dr.…
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