TAWA is responsible for undertaking the administration and sustainable management of wildlife resource and biodiversity conservation outside National Parks and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, mostly comprising of Game Reserves, Game Controlled Areas…
Tanzania National Parks is responsible to manage and regulate the use of areas designated as National Parks by such means and measures to preserve the country’s heritage, encompassing natural and cultural resources, both tangible and intangible…
The Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) is an Executive Agency established under the Executive Agencies Act (Cap. 245 Revised Edition 2009) with the mandate of management of national forest and bee resources in a sustainable manner by ensuring sustainable…
Stone Anchor: This stone anchor was recovered from the shoreline of Kilwa Kisiwani in Tanzania. It is an Indo-Arabian stone anchor shank measuring 1.2m long and 0.35m wide. A similar stone anchor has been in Sirafu in the Persian Gulf region, and it…
This is one of the early ship engravings in one of the rooms of Husuni Kubwa (Great Palace) in Kilwa Kiswani. This ship engraving was incised into the plaster of the internal wall of Husuni Kubwa certainly at the time when the palace was built during…
The Sanjari sacred forest is a valued heritage area in Chongoleani village. The forest is located about 20m from the wall enclosure. It is situated in the compound of two local schools. The area is both clean and green as opposed to other places…